Tercian Wars is an erotic science fiction adventure series which chronicles the violent activities on a distant world called Elayna. Book I depicts the Cartesian invasion of Tercia.
While the Tercians plan to escape from a devastating meteor shower that threatens to decimate their population, the Cartesians plot to overthrow the Tercian government and take their land.
Wesley Donovan spearheads a controversial project to escape from the endangered planet. The S.S. Tercia will act as a lifeboat for the Tercian government and military during the meteor shower. But Wesley's intentions become misguided as he seeks to save himself.
The evil Sheila Marlowe ascends to the Cartesian throne and inflicts brutality and devastation. Empress Marlowe aspires to destroy Tercia and etch her name in history. Her sadistic nature is rivaled only by her sexual appetite, and she easily seduces men and women under her control.
Tercian General, Nicole Minter witnesses the annihilation of her entire army as they combat the invading Cartesians. As she struggles to take back the nation from the Cartesians, she finds herself under the spell of the alluring empress.
Will the Tercians regain control of their land in time to escape from Elayna? Or will Empress Marlowe and the Cartesians leave them stranded on the doomed planet?
Charged with sex and violence, Invasion takes the reader on an action-packed adventure around the planet of Elayna and beyond.